Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Puppy Love

Is there anything sweeter than watching a child and pet grow up together? Sydney, our crazy Miniature Dachshund, was a little out of sorts when we brought Abigail home from the hospital. It was tough for her to accept that she wasn't going to be receiving quite so much attention. It didn't take her long, however, to bond with Abby. Within a few weeks, she even became quite protective of our new addition. Two and a half years later, Sydney and Abigail are very good friends (even though they have their moments.... almost like siblings). Here are some of my favorite pictures of Abby and Sydney together.

Sydney watches over Abby (2 months old).
Abby was a pumpkin for her first Halloween (3 months old). Sydney was a hot dog. (As you can see, Sydney was not too thrilled about the costume or the picture!) Abby LOVES pulling out the scrapbook and looking at this picture. She laughs as she says, "Look! Sydney is a hot dog!"

Abigail (6 months old) and Sydney begin the on-going fight over Mom's lap. Abby can be busy playing, but if she spots Sydney sitting in my lap, she instantly needs Sydney out of the way so SHE can sit in my lap... It's can get pretty crazy sometimes!

Abby (about 2 years old) and Sydney just hang out together one morning.

Abby (2 1/2 years old) hugs Sydney.
I love that Abigail and Sydney are such buddies!


  1. That is so cute!!! I LOVE the Halloween costumes! LOL! We had our cat, Gracie, for years before we had Asia. Gracie is very untrusting and doesn't let anyone pet her except me and Jeremy. But she eventually accepted Asia and even lets Asia carry her around and is so patient as Asia drags her around the house.
