Our Family

Our Family

Monday, October 18, 2010

Daddy's Girl!

Click on this picture to enlarge it. The bigger it is, the better it looks. Chet Scerra took this picture on Saturday, 16 October 2010 at our house in Webster, NY. He had come over to take newborn pictures of Michael. We had tried to get Abigail to cooperate for pictures of her wearing her "Big Sister" shirt and Michael wearing his "Little Brother" onesie. Abigail was simply not going to do anything that we wanted her to do. We finally gave up and turned her loose to color. Michael then wanted to be nursed which request (if you can call it a request) Tara addressed. I was sitting talking to Chet when Abigail came and crawled onto my lap. I told her that we were not taking pictures then, that she had a chance before but had not wanted to. My tone was pleasant, but matter of fact. I was trying to use the experience as a teaching point. Chet started clicking pictures, and I decided to drop my teaching point and let Chet run the photo session. Abigail has taken many excellent pictures although this is arguably her best ever. I, on the other hand, have a more difficult time taking a good picture. I know that I need to feel the right emotion to take a good picture, but trying to force the right emotion feels dishonest to me and I rarely get it right. I guess I am just trying too hard or have a self-consciousness that Abigail completely lacks. As Chet was clicking away, Abigail pulled my arm tightly around her waist. She is no doubt a Daddy's girl, but that gesture communicated her love for her father and elicited the response of my love for my daughter.

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