Our Family

Our Family

Friday, September 14, 2012

Almost There

Wednesday marked 37 weeks of pregnancy.  Baby is now considered full term.  Because of the worry of preeclampsia at 25 weeks, we are very grateful that I've made it this far!

Last week at my OB appointment, my blood pressure was high- actually higher than it was when I was sent to the hospital to be induced with Michael.   The doctor sent me to do blood work at the hospital.  As soon as I was done at the lab, I hurried home to get Abby off the bus and pack some things for Abigail and Michael.  I wanted to be prepared if the doctor called back and said it was time to have a baby!  The blood work came back normal, so I was told to take it easy over the weekend and go back to the doctor on Monday.

On Monday, I was officially put on bed rest.  My blood pressure was high once again.  I could get away with trying to "rest as much as possible" until seeing a different doctor in the group (because my doctor wasn't in the office that day).  He asked very specific questions about how much I was REALLY resting (with two little ones at home).  He was also VERY specific about how many hours a day I need to be resting with my feet up.  He also said that they knew I was probably going to end up with preeclampsia once again, so they would probably start talking about inducing me soon.

My blood pressure was much higher today than it normally is, but a bit better than my last two visits to the doctor.  I also did a non-stress test today.  The baby is doing great.   As long as the blood work looks all right, I will "rest" all weekend and go back to see the doctor on Tuesday.

I've had some wonderful help this week!  Thank you Liese, Brittany, and Crystal!

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